How to find Italian Ancestors

This is the Sorrentino Recipe from Naples.  The last page is from my cousin Luisa who made some calzones with the filling.  A bit more complicated than the Bari recipe.  That’s Aunt Emily in the middle around 1911.

Italian Food — What are the origins?

We all know that Italian Food is the best in the world, but have you ever wondered where it came from.  As both a trained chef and a avid genealogist I’ll help to shed some light, and even a few recipes.  I’m sure that most of you growing up loved the smell of the Italian Food cooking on a Sunday morning.  Depending on what part of the US you come from, there was always a

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Petix Special cookbook

Authentic Italian Recipes and Researching Sicily and Campania

Cousins Linda, Gene and Bob discuss how they found each other after 60 years and how closely their families were connected  from the 1920’s through 1970’s.  They also talk about the Petix and Speziale family cookbook with over 100 recipes.   Podcast Buy the book on Shutterfly Video Visit our recipe page here Click here Click here to join our group on Facebook

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