Italian Surname Searches

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If you are looking to do an Italian Surname Searches , we have found some of the best links.  While there are many many links these are our favorites.  Visit our LINKS page for more research information.  And our BOOKS page for how to research.

This is a really cool site as it gives the origin for your name, also variations and popularity in the US — Behind the Name

This is a pretty neat one as it shows the map of Italy with the names by region, heat map style — Brilliant Maps

This one gives a heat map in a different style, and other countries as well — Italian Surname Map

One more map, in a different style — Italian Names

Surnames by region, type in a surname for the region and you get a list, you can also get the list of the most common names in a region — Italian Surnames

This site gives a list of names by region also — Italy Heritage

Italian Side gives you location and pronunciation — Italian Side

Seven facts about Italian surnames from  — Ancestry Italian Surnames

Interesting article on the origin of Italian Surnames  ( over 1,000,000 )– La Gazzetta

Extensive Italian Surname Searches  from BYU — BYU Italian List

Brief article on Italian Surname Searches  from Ancestral Findings

The ten most common Italian Surname searches in the US

1. Russo (45,787 people)

2. Marino (26,789 people)

3. Romano (24,280 people)

4. Rossi (23,879 people)

5. Bruno (22,917 people)

6. Esposito (21,438 people)

7. Caruso (19,400 people)

8. Rizzo (17,368 people)

9. Gallo (16,937 people)

10. Greco (16,178 people)

Search on my grandmother's name from Italian Surnames

Piromallo9.60Torre del GrecoNapoli
Piromallo9.48San Nicola la StradaCaserta
Piromallo3.83Marano di NapoliNapoli
Piromallo3.44Castello di CisternaNapoli
Piromallo3.36Mugnano di NapoliNapoli
Piromallo3.32Pomigliano d’ArcoNapoli

Researching Biccari, Foggia

Join us for a discussion with people born in, or descend from parents to grandparents born in Biccari. If you are from Biccari, you most likely have cousins on the panel. Many have done extensive research on the town Lucia Galdi Marone – NJ Mark Lucera – NJ Elaine Champi –  D.C. Mike D’Imperio – NJ Rich Leto – Columbus, Ohio Joanne Tursi Barone – NJ Peg Baselice – Pennsylvania Paolo Saltarello – Auburn, NY

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An Italian-American Tale of Migration, War, and Family Bonds

Have you ever been captivated by the stories of your ancestors, the journeys they embarked on, and the experiences that shaped their lives? In our latest episode, we’re joined by Arnie Aranci, whose Italian-American roots are as rich and flavorful as the cuisine of his heritage. Arnie enthralls with tales of his father’s migration from the picturesque Italian countryside to the United States, his consequential return as a soldier in World War II, and the

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Retracing Italian Family History from Torino to São Paulo and back

Embark on an intimate odyssey with our guest Regina Vighetto, as she unveils her family’s vibrant migration tapestry from Italy to the coffee farms of São Paulo, Brazil. Her tale is one of resilience and discovery, and unearthing a narrative enriched by ancestral dreams and the quest for prosperity in a new world. As Regina shares her genealogical saga, I can’t help but interweave my own pursuit of Italian citizenship, which sparked a genealogy fervor

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Discovering Cultural Roots in East Harlem, Bari and Ponce

As distant cousins intertwined by Puerto Rican roots, Valerie Evans joins us to unravel the vibrant story of her dual Italian and Puerto Rican lineage. Our conversation traverses the multicultural neighborhoods of East Harlem, brushes through the historical cobblestones of Sannicandro di Bari and Salerno, and touches on the personal transformations ignited by a family accident and the consequential search for identity. Valerie’s account of her mother’s life and her quest to reveal her mysterious

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Echoes of Our Ancestry: A Journey Through Italian Heritage

We set sail on a fascinating voyage through time, guided by our guest, Heath Orcutt-Abert. With Italian roots running deep, Heath unveils enthralling tales of her family’s immigration from Castagna, Calabria, Italy to the U.S. in the 1880s. We venture through their journey of adaptation and survival in a new country, reflecting on the gripping tales from the novel ‘Umbertina’,  authored by none other than her mother’s first cousin, Helen Barolini. As Heath peels back

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Buona Pasqua

Buona Pasqua From Italian Genealogy

Buona Pasqua from Italian Genealogy.  Hard to believe that we are in our sixth year. This year has been great. Since last Easter I finished and published “Farmers and Nobles” and I am now working on a documentary about Italian-American Research with a Hollywood director/producer. Pick up a copy of “Farmers and Nobles” Available here or on Amazon. Thank you and have a Happy Easter! Click here to Join Italian Genealogy on Facebook

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Charles Gomez

    I am looking for info on the surname of Chianchi which appears in my family tree. Rafael Chianchi a sailor from Liorna late 18th C. Gibraltar.

    1. Bob

      Have you tried the Antenati?

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