Farmers and Nobles

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Professional Genealogy

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Professional Genealogy: A Manual for Researchers, Writers, Editors, Lecturers and Librarians. Elizabeth Shown Mills. Hardbound, (2001), 2010, Index, Bibliographical references, xxvi, 654 pp.

Professional Genealogy is a manual by professionals for everyone serious about genealogy. For family historians who want to do their own study, reliably, it describes the standards. For hobbyists, attorneys, and medical scientists who seek professional researchers, it's a consumer guide that defines quality and facilitates choices. For librarians who struggle to help a whole new class of patrons, it provides a bridge to the methods, sources, and minutiae of "history, up-close and personal." For established genealogical professionals, it offers benchmarks by which they can advance their skills and places their businesses on sounder footing. And for all those who dream of turning a fascinating hobby into a successful career, Professional Genealogy details the preparation and the processes.

Its twenty-nine chapters, written by two dozen scholars, cover the following topic areas: research skills and the analysis of evidence, writing and compiling genealogical research, the core genealogy library collection, genealogical ethics and standards, editing and publishing, and topics relating to the profession of genealogist.

"Professional Genealogy is a landmark--the field's most significant publication since 1960, when the American Society of Genealogists introduced Genealogical Research: Methods and Sources. In a sense, though, its title belies its greatest value: it offers priceless guidance to the many amateur family historians who want to ensure that their work is of high quality and enduring value."--Thomas W. Jones, Ph.D., CG, CGL, President, Board for Certification of Genealogists

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Farmers and Nobles by Robert Sorrentino 

Farmers and Nobles is a prime example of what can be accomplished in the field of genealogical research. Author Sorrentino, a retired banker and successful podcaster, shows us how it is done. If you are interested in tracing your genealogy, this is a book for you.

The beginning of Mr. Sorrentino’s quest was the serendipitous discovery of a picture postcard sent from Italy to his grandfather in the early 1900’s. One question about the photo led to another and before long his quest became an obsession. He refers to it as a “calling.” Bringing our ancestors out of the past and into the present is a way of honoring them. Through marriage and birth records, Mr. Sorrentino was able to trace his ancestry back through hundreds of years. He traced two of his family lines, one side of the family finds its roots in the land, the other in nobility. Thus, the title of the book.

Perhaps the most important chapter in the book is toward the end. Research Primer explains many of the tools and methods he used to find these amazing records. He also includes photos from the archives so you can see what you are getting into. With patience and persistence,Author Sorrentino found his way to helpful resources which he names specifically in this chapter. Among them are: Antenati, Angelfire,, Libro di Oro Mediterranean,, Bella Italia Genealogy and more.

Of particular excitement for the author is his guided Grand Rooting Trip. With a guide he travelled throughout Italy visiting his roots, his ancestral places, and meeting long-lost relatives. A perfect culmination of years of genealogical research…a well-spent retirement!

Even if you are not into genealogy, this book is a treat and a worth-while read. Since Author Sorrentino traces his noble line back to numerous famous ruling houses of Italy, he provides us with historical sketches refreshing our knowledge of Italy’s long and complex history.